DEI Book Series

DEI Book Series


Starting in September and throughout the school year, this series will highlight several book selections based on monthly themes that coincide with the AISD inclusion calendar. Reflection questions are provided to help Comets and their grown up read with intentionality and continue to allow space for our kids to learn and grow. "Why the Monarch Butterfly Book Series?” The Monarch Butterfly has long held great meaning for the peoples of North America as symbols of hope, renewal, and connection. As the designated ‘state butterfly of Texas’, it holds even more significance for our Kiker community. Like the monarch, each of our Comets undergoes a remarkable metamorphosis over their years of study. Likewise, each of the books in our series were selected to facilitate the continued growth of every child and family that participates. Just as the monarch’s epic, multi-generational migration has stood as a symbol of embracing transformation and embarking towards new horizons, our book series aims to help each child feel a deeper sense of connection to themselves, their families, and their community as they move forward into the world. Join us as we read to Discover, Learn, and Soar.

If you want to learn more or have any questions, email Noha at or Kristin at
