Report an Absence

Every Day Counts! 

Attending school regularly helps children feel better about school—and themselves. Absences and tardiness impact the whole classroom.

Parents: Making sure your student is in school and on time every day is the law.  

Austin ISD is required to submit attendance to the Texas Education Agency at 10:30AM everyday. Please try to schedule appointments for your student after school, but if that is not possible, try and schedule medical appointments after 10:30 AM.

Notification of Absences

Please send in documentation of student absences using the School Absence Form on the AISD website or complete a paper form (pick up in Front Office).   We DO NOT accept phone calls or voicemail messages as documentation for a student's absence. 

-Please have medical offices submit documentation of your student’s visit to  

-Please allow up to 72 hours (3 business days) for attendance to be corrected. 

-Set up notifications for your student’s attendance and grades via Parent Self Serve.  

-Students attending family trips during scheduled school days will remain coded as an unexcused absence. Car problems, traffic, or oversleeping will not be considered as an excused absence or excused tardy. 

A student is tardy if he/she is not with their homeroom teacher when the 7:40 AM bell rings. If you arrive late to school, your student will be required to come to the office to sign in as tardy. If you are tardy, a parent/guardian will be required to come into the office to sign their student in late. 

What to do if your student must leave school early: 

  • Please notify your teacher via email the night before if you are picking your student up early.
  • If you have a last minute dismissal change and did not notify your teacher the night before, please call the office at 512-414-2584. We will notify the teacher of the change. 
  • When you arrive to Kiker to pick up your student, please be prepared with your photo I.D. 

  • Please do not plan to pick up your student from school after 2:30PM. 

You must sign the student out in the office. Students leaving for a medical appointment must bring a note from the doctor to excuse the absence/tardy.  

For more information visit the district's attendance page.  

Amy McGovern, Attendance Specialist |  512-414-2584 (office)