Kiker News
Comet Connections Newsletter for the week of Feb. 4
Learn more about what's happening at Kiker- Week of February 4th
Pre-K 4 Early Bird Enrollment Feb 5 - Mar 7
Austin ISD families* interested in an Early Bird Tuition-Based Pre-K4 seat for the 2025-26 school year can apply to up to three (3) Pre-K4 campuses between February 5 and March 7, 2025. Families will be notified of the selection outcomes on March 14, 2025.
Join International Night Planning Committee!
Join Our International Night Planning Committee! We’re looking for volunteers to help make this special event a success. If you're passionate about celebrating diverse cultures and want to be part of the planning process, sign up today.
Kiker Staff Gift Card Drive
Help us spoil our Kiker Staff this holiday season! The Kiker PTA is collecting gift cards to treat our wonderful staff during this busy holiday season. Any amount, any store or restaurant! Our goal is to gather enough cards for every single staff member.
Allison Elementary Wish Drive
The Allison Elementary Wish Drive is here! Join us in fulfilling holiday wishes for students at our sister school and their families! Unwrapped gifts may be turned in to the Allison donation bin in the Kiker foyer by December 9th. Please see the sign-up for additional details.
2024 PTA Grants
Kiker PTA Members (including teachers, staff, parents, and community members!) are invited to apply for PTA funds for items, projects, services, and ideas benefitting the Kiker Community. Submit the Grant Application using the form below on or before December 4, 2024 at 10:00pm.
Austin ISD Priority Registration for the 2025–26 school year is Nov. 6, 2024–Feb. 4, 2025!
Please visit Austin ISD Student Enrollment for more information.
Kiker Annual Art Fundraiser!
Please look for your child's art fundraiser brochures this week.
2024 Pumpkin Decorating Contest
We invite you to enter Kiker's pumpkin decorating contest! Put together your most creative design and enter a chance to win one of the following categories: Most Creative Spookiest Silliest Original Character
Cabo Bob's Spirit Night - NEW DATE! (10.23)
The wait is over! Cabo Bob's is opening this week and we're thrilled to invite you to Kiker Spirit Night NEXT WEEK, on Wednesday, October 23rd, from 5:00 to 9:00 PM.