ALL AISD Devices to be Turned in:
During the 2023 summer break, the Everyone:1 and Bond teams will complete a districtwide summer inventory project on Austin ISD equipment.
For this reason, ALL students must turn in any, and all, Austin ISD-provided equipment (devices, hotspots, chargers, iPad cases, etc.) to their campuses, for this year and any past years.
Exceptions: This does not affect special education specific devices that are checked out through that department. If a device is needed for a Dual Credit/ACC course, devices will be distributed to students the last week of school. Devices for on-campus summer programs will be provided.
It is essential that we collect and account for all Austin ISD equipment to ensure we have it available for students in the fall. We understand how this may affect students’ during the summer. However, if your child needs a device for summer use, we will assist you:
- To request a device for summer use (including for Garza Online classes), a parent or guardian may complete an OPT-IN form via their Parent Portal account to request the pick-up of a device from the Technology Department at Gus Garcia YMLA or at the Austin ISD Central Office.
- Devices will be available for pick-up on May 26, and May 30 through June 2, from 7:30 am to 5:00 pm.
- During device pickups, fee schedule forms and accountability acknowledgments will also be provided.
- Devices must be returned to the home campus at the start of the fall 2023 school year.
Important: ALL devices will be disabled as of Thursday, May 25, 2023, at 5 pm.
More information can be found on our Austin ISD website.
If any lost equipment is found over the summer, please call the Austin ISD Help Desk at 512-414-9187.
Kiker Return Schedule
Pre-K & 3rd Grade: Friday, 5/19
1st & 4th Grade: Monday, 5/22
Kinder & 2nd Grade: Tuesday, 5/23
ECSE & 5th Grade: Wednesday, 5/24
Please remove ALL stickers and labels with personal information. Students will receive a different device at the beginning of the 2023-24 school year.