Optional Parent Input for 23-24 School Year

Optional Parent Input for 23-24 School Year

Optional Parent/Guardian Input Form

We will soon start the lengthy process of placing each student into classes for the 2023-24 school year. Balancing classes for 805+ students is a huge task that is not taken lightly. We strive to create the greatest mix of students for each classroom based on many factors, including, but not limited to the following: academic needs, social and emotional skills, required special services, and diversity. While parent input is a valued piece of the puzzle, creating balanced classes also requires input from teachers, administrators, and counselors.


If you choose to complete the form, please note the following:

  • Completion of the form is optional—it is NOT required.
  • Please do not request a specific teacher. Information should focus on your child and not on a specific teacher.
  • These forms are valid for one year. Similar forms completed previously are not part of this year’s process.
  • Children are not placed with teachers based the teacher selected for an older sibling. Each child is unique and must be placed accordingly.
  • Please do not ask any staff member to recommend a teacher or to arrange placement with a teacher.
  • This form does not replace the registration process. You will still need to register your student. We cannot place children unless they are registered. If you have questions regarding this, please contact the Amy McGovern at 512-414-2584.
  • Final placement will not be complete and classroom assignments will not go home until ­­­­­­­a few days prior to the start of classes due to students enrolling and withdrawing throughout the summer.


As always, let us know if you have any questions/concerns.

Thank you for your cooperation and understanding!


